IRDAI Regulatory Reform Series: Rural, Social Sector, and Motor Third-Party Obligations

The Insurance Act, 1938 (“Insurance Act”), includes special provisions obligating insurers to mandatorily source a part of their business from persons residing in rural areas; workers in the unorganised or informal sector, or from economically vulnerable or backward classes of the society.[1] Insurers are also required to underwrite a minimum percentage of insurance business for third-party motor insurance policies, both under the Insurance Act[2] as well as the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (“MV Act”).[3] These requirements were, until recently, implemented through two distinct regulations issued by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (“IRDAI”) – the IRDAI (Obligation of Insurer to Rural and Social sector) Regulations, 2015 (“RSO Regulations”), and the IRDAI (Obligation of Insurer in Respect of Motor Third Party Insurance Business) Regulations, 2015 (“MTP Regulations”).

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Indranath Bishnu and Ayushi Agrawal

Insurance Brokers Association of India projects insurance broking sector to capture a 45 per cent market share by 2030 following increased insurance penetration and the demand for insurance productsOver the past couple of years, the Indian insurance industry has seen a series of significant transformations and new developments. Modified regulations, liberalisation of commission regimes, and proposals for amendment of regulatory architecture have opened new avenues of growth for the insurance broking industry.

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Policy Wordings - Lost in Translation?

The reasons for lower insurance penetration in India are multifaceted. However, one of the main factors is limited financial literacy and awareness. Typically, legalese in the policy document makes interpretation and  understanding a challenge. Globally, the World Bank, OECD, and several other associations/ authorities have expressed the need for transparent communication to build consumer trust and confidence in the insurance industry. Given the current Indian demographics, the need of the hour is to simplify policy wordings to assist in greater financial awareness and aid the goal of insurance coverage for all.

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A Review of the Performance of Surety Insurance Contracts in India


Surety insurance bonds (“Surety Bonds”) are a proven risk management mechanism, useful especially in the infrastructure, construction projects, and government procurement space. Surety Bonds can be an effective alternative financial solution to the principals/ contractors, who had to depend on bank guarantees earlier. 

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IRDAI Regulatory Reform Series: Listing of Indian Insurance Companies on Stock Exchanges


On March 20, 2024, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (“IRDAI”) notified the IRDAI (Registration, Capital Structure, Transfer of Shares and Amalgamation of Insurers) Regulations, 2024 (“Registration and Capital Regulations”), which consolidated and rationalised the regulatory framework applicable on an Indian insurer in aspects, including listing on a stock exchange pursuant to an initial public offer (“IPO”) that may consist of a fresh issue of equity shares or an offer for sale. Our detailed analysis on the other aspects of Registration and Capital Regulations can be found here.

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IRDAI Regulatory Reform Series: Registration and Capital Structure of Indian Insurance Companies


The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (“IRDAI”) has a statutory duty to regulate, promote and ensure orderly growth of the insurance business and reinsurance business in India. Based on the IRDAI’s initiative to promulgate consolidated and principle-based regulations to govern the insurance industry, the Life Insurance Council and General Insurance Council (representative bodies of life and general insurers, respectively) constituted the Regulation Review Committee (“RRC”) to review the entire insurance regulatory framework and recommend principle-based regulations.

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Forceful selling of Insurance by Automobile Dealers call for Regulation


Automobile sector in India has been growing at a rapid pace, contributing to over 7% of India’s total Gross Domestic Product[1]. With annual sales exceeding 20 million passenger vehicles the mandatory vehicle insurance requirement has led to a commensurate increase in motor insurance business sales. This sector now constitutes 45% of the overall business of general insurance in India.[2]

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Primer on IRDAI Information and Cyber Security Guidelines 2023


On September 14, 2023, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (“IRDAI”) set up an inter-disciplinary standing committee on cyber security, tasked with regularly reviewing the threats inherent in the existing or emerging technologies and suggest appropriate changes to the IRDAI Information and Cyber Security framework to further strengthen the insurance industry’s cyber security posture and resilience.[1] This is in furtherance to the IRDAI having notified the Information and Cyber Security Guidelines on April 24, 2023 (“CS Guidelines 2023”).

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Arbitrability of insurance disputes – IRDAI clears the air

Recently, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (“IRDAI”) has settled the ambiguity surrounding arbitrability of insurance disputes vide its circular titled Amendment of Arbitration Clause in General Insurance Policies dated October 27, 2023 (“Circular”)[1]. This issue stems from the All India Fire Tariff  (“AIFT”) issued by the Tariff Advisory Committee (“TAC”) on May 31, 2005.

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Indian Regulatory Perspective on Non-traditional Reinsurance Solutions


A dynamic risk market demands insurance companies to constantly seek new solutions to manage their capital and risk position. This position is further challenged by volatile financial markets, low interest rates, and of course, competition. As insurers assess their risk appetite and aim to achieve an optimal balance of risk, reinsurance solutions have proved to be an effective solution. While traditional reinsurance solutions are effective tools for risk management, ‘Non-traditional Reinsurance Solutions’, are oriented towards providing specific business solutions rather than pure risk transfer. In this piece, we discuss the insurance regulatory framework around Non-traditional Reinsurance Solutions in India.

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