Photo of Abhinav Rawat

Associate in the Project & Project Finance practice at the Mumbai office of Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas. Abhinav has a wide range of experience in banking, projects and project financing, across sectors including solar, wind, road, thermal, transmission and real estate. He can be reached at

To battle the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the central government and the various state governments imposed a nationwide lockdown in India. Additionally, to arrest the spread of the pandemic, government authorities and corporates are promoting “work from home”, and wherever necessary to work with minimum work force. Acknowledging the difficulties faced by corporates on account of the threat posed by COVID-19, requiring social distancing in day-to-day functioning, governmental authorities have granted various exemptions and reliefs by issuing circulars and amending rules to ease compliance requirements to be complied by companies.

This blog analyses the recent reliefs and relaxations announced by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India (MCA), and the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), which may have an impact on financing transactions.Continue Reading Social Distancing while approving financing transactions: MCA, SEBI Relaxations