Photo of Rohit Raj

Associate in the Intellectual Property Practice at the Delhi-NCR Office of Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas. Rohit advises on trademark and patent disputes. He can be reached at

The 22nd Law Commission Report on Trade Secrets: Call for a balancing Act?

The 22nd Law Commission of India issued a report titled “Trade Secrets and Economic Espionage” (“LCR”), on March 5, 2024, to recommend a new legal framework to adjudicate claims related to disclosure of trade secrets, and the key provisions that it should encompass. Through this article, we intend to briefly summarise the legal framework applicable to trade secrets in India, highlight significant perspectives considered by the Law Commission and the recommendations thereof.Continue Reading The 22nd Law Commission Report on Trade Secrets: Call for a balancing Act?

Google LLC (hereinafter, “appellant”) submitted its application for a patent titled “Managing Instant Messaging Sessions on Multiple Devices”[i] to the controller of patents and designs on July 13, 2007, claiming priority from a US patent application.[ii] The application discloses the feature for transferring instant messaging sessions concurrently between devices and gives users the choice to mirror / refresh sessions interrupted by idle or away states. It provides flexibility in managing instant messaging sessions and a seamless continuation of conversations.Continue Reading Delhi HC dismisses instant messaging patent appeal

Patents Act, 1970 or Competition Act, 2002: SC to decide applicability on actions of patentee


The Supreme Court (“SC”) issued a notice[i] on a special leave petition filed by the Competition Commission of India (“CCI”) on March 1, 2024, against a Division Bench order of the Delhi High Court (“Delhi HC”) passed on July 13, 2023. The impugned order dealt with four appeals and a writ petition filed by Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (“Ericsson”), CCI, and Monsanto Holdings (P.) Ltd. (“Monsanto”) against previous Delhi HC judgements in Ericsson AB v. CCI (March 30, 2016)[ii], Ericsson AB v. CCI (December 14, 2015)[iii], Monsanto Holdings (P) Ltd. v. CCI (May 20, 2020)[iv], and letters issued by the CCI against Ericsson on July 16, 2015, and August 8, 2015.Continue Reading Patents Act, 1970 or Competition Act, 2002: SC to decide applicability on actions of patentee