In our previous blog post, we provided insights into the regulatory framework governing E-Commerce Food Business Operators (“E-FBOs”)[1] that operate under the purview of the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (“FSSAI”). The FSSAI, along with its state counterparts, is primarily empowered under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 (“FSS Act”) and its accompanying rules, regulations, and guidelines to regulate the food industry and establish standards that ensure the safety and quality of food products. We also delved into the recent amendment to the FSS Licensing and Registration of Food Businesses Amendment Regulations, 2021 (“2021 Amendment Regulations”)[2], which were primarily introduced to regulate E-FBOs. We also analysed it in line with the key challenges and obstacles that E-FBOs might encounter, on their road to ensuring full compliance with the regulations.Continue Reading Beyond the Basket: Inside India’s Diverse E-Commerce Food Landscape – Part 2