Global Capability Centers – Trends, Opportunities and Recent Learnings


With over 1,700 Global Capability Centers (“GCCs”), revenues at $64.6 billion (a 40% jump over FY23 numbers) and a 17% global share of the GCC capacity base, India is the GCC Capital of the World. The GCC market in India is projected to grow to $99-105 billion by 2030 with nearly 2,100-2,200 GCCs and a headcount of ~2.5-2.8 million.[1]Continue Reading Global Capability Centers – Trends, Opportunities and Recent Learnings

Primer on IRDAI Information and Cyber Security Guidelines 2023


On September 14, 2023, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (“IRDAI”) set up an inter-disciplinary standing committee on cyber security, tasked with regularly reviewing the threats inherent in the existing or emerging technologies and suggest appropriate changes to the IRDAI Information and Cyber Security framework to further strengthen the insurance industry’s cyber security posture and resilience.[1] This is in furtherance to the IRDAI having notified the Information and Cyber Security Guidelines on April 24, 2023 (“CS Guidelines 2023”).Continue Reading Primer on IRDAI Information and Cyber Security Guidelines 2023