The Indian food industry thrives on innovation and dynamism, hence ensuring the safety of food products remains a top priority for the Indian authorities. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (“FSSAI”) serves as the guardian of public health, that introduced the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 (“FSS Act”). This legislation read with its compendium of regulations, rules, and guidelines meticulously outlines the framework for every step of the food supply chain from its origin to your table. While the FSS Act provides a foundational framework, the nuances of the regulatory framework are recorded in the regulations and guidelines, which have been established over time to encompass and regulate the expansive and ever-changing world of food products. This blog post delves into the legalities that govern the key aspects of the food industry; namely, production, distribution, import, advertising, labelling, and the safety testing standards.Continue Reading From Farm to Fork: Demystifying India’s Food Safety Standards