The year 2024 has seen significant advancements in advertising laws in India, with the introduction of various new guidelines aimed at regulating mis-advertising. This is understandable, considering that the Indian advertising market is projected to become a $19.2 billion industry by 2028.[1]Continue Reading Legal Spotlight on Ads: Changing Flavor of Ad-Laws in India

Institutionalising public consultations: A step towards building a stakeholder-friendly regulatory threshold


 The ‘Draft Policy for Pre-Legislative consultation and comprehensive review of existing Rules and Regulations’, released by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (“MCA”), became effective from January 1, 2024 (“MCA-PLCP”). This move complements the increased focus on improving the ‘ease of doing business’ across regulators in India[1] and will also help address the inherent non-uniformity in the consultative mechanisms and processes employed by various MCA-formed/governed regulatory bodies. Continue Reading Institutionalising public consultations: A step towards building a stakeholder-friendly regulatory threshold


The European Court of Justice (“CJEU”) in mid-2023 passed a landmark judgment in Meta Platforms Inc. v. Bundeskartellamt[1], by imposing strict restrictions on social media entities using personal data of consumer’s for targeting them with personalised advertisements through their platforms. This ruling struck at the core revenue model of many big technology organisations.   Continue Reading The Great Reset: What Lies in Store for Targeted Advertising?  

Dark Side of Advertising: Decoding Dark Patterns for Platforms and Endorsers

Recent concerns with mis-advertising have led to various pro-consumer measures in India. This includes overhauling the consumer laws and attaching liability to platforms, sellers and advertisers (including influencers and celebrities) for misleading ads and malpractices.

The latest pro-consumer measure is the regulation of dark pattern practices, by way of notification of ‘Guidelines for Prevention and Regulation of Dark Patterns, 2023 (“Guidelines”).Continue Reading Dark Side of Advertising: Decoding Dark Patterns for Platforms and Endorsers