Pre-Clinical Testing on Claws and Paws: Decoding the Permissibility of Animal Experimentation


The practice of experimenting on animals has long been a focal point of ethical and regulatory debates. Juxtaposed against the concerns for animal welfare, this complex landscape tries to strike a balance between the pursuit of scientific progress to advance human knowledge and safeguard the rights and well-being of fellow planet inhabitants. Notwithstanding the surge in global commitment to reduce the number of animals used in experimentation and research activities, reports indicate that more than 100 million animals are used globally for experimentation on an annual basis. Further, trend suggests that, currently, there is little to no decline in worldwide use of animals in research and lab work.Continue Reading Pre-Clinical Testing on Claws and Paws: Decoding the Permissibility of Animal Experimentation

Not Just Old Wine In A New Bottle –Global Companies and the New Fortified Anti Bribery Regime

India’s anti-bribery and anti-corruption (ABAC) regime went through a massive change recently. After years of deliberation, the Indian parliament has enacted the Prevention of Corruption (Amendment) Act, 2018 (Amendment Act), bringing about crucial changes that could really impact the way companies do business in India. Below, we analyse the impact of the recent amendments and explain the measures that companies need to put in place to ensure compliance.

The amendments brought in by the Amendment Act are prospective in nature and take effect from the date the legislation received presidential assent – i.e. July 26, 2018. Hence, companies currently doing business in India need not retrospectively assess their compliance with the requirements introduced by the Amendment Act and shall only be regulated by these provisions prospectively.Continue Reading Not Just Old Wine In A New Bottle: –Global Companies and the New Fortified Anti Bribery Regime